European Union industrial carbon emissions rose by up to 2.4 percent last year, analysts surveyed by Reuters estimated, below the market cap and keeping the 27-nation bloc on track to meet its 2020

Residents of popular Baltic Sea resort Mielno, one of three sites shortlisted to host Poland's first nuclear plant early in the next decade, on Sunday voted overwhelmingly against the plan.

Nine people were killed when an avalanche hit the village of Restelica in southern Kosovo, officials said Sunday, adding to more than 500 killed in snow and bitter cold across Europe in the past tw

The United States remained the primary backer of biotech crop technology in 2011, but adoption spread internationally as the total global planted area of genetically modified seeds grew 8 percent f

Coal-reliant Poland aims to increase support for biogas and solar generation through the end of the decade while cutting support for investment in wind and other renewable generation, a government

A shift to renewable energy would ultimately cost around the same as business as usual and the EU needs to make progress on setting a 2030 target for greener fuel soon, the bloc's energy commission

The nuclear radiation detected in some parts of Europe that were earlier supposed to be coming from Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (Kanupp), might have emitted from Hungry, according to the informatio

Air pollution caused more than 100 billion euros ($134.95 billion) in health and environmental damage, highlighting the need for more renewables sources of energy, a report published on Thursday by

The European Union’s executive arm announced plans on Wednesday aimed at stopping its countries from striking bilateral deals that cede too much power to oil and gas exporters like Russia.

Russia has pumped the first gas into a new pipeline running under the Baltic Sea to Germany, which will tighten Moscow’s grip on the continent’s lucrative gas markets.
