The death toll from hurricane-force Storm Xaver sweeping across northern Europe rose to six on Friday when high winds hurled a tree limb against a car, killing three people, local emergency service

Poland's environment ministry will prepare a draft law to regulate the exploration and extraction of shale gas and send it to the government for approval before the end of the year, its new environ

BEIJING: China, the world's largest carbon emitter, on Sunday said it was not satisfied with but still accepted the results of the climate talks in Poland with the participating nations reaching a

After almost 30 hours of over time, the United Nations sponsored Warsaw climate change talks came to a close with a deal that failed to resolve key contentious issues but managed to keep every coun

Negotiators agree to set up a watered-down mechanism for addressing Loss and Damage from climate change.

Hours after major NGOs walked out of the UN Climate Change conference, India on Thursday said it fully shared the sentiments of the civil society and asked the developed nations to act in combating

Chevron, Exxon and BP among companies most responsible for climate change since dawn of industrial age, figures show

WARSAW: In a surprising move, the Polish government on Wednesday sacked its environment minister Marcin Korolec, who heads the country's delegation at the climate talks here.

The U.N.

WARSAW: World may be looking at India for its response to what had happened recently in Odisha and Uttarakhand due to natural disasters which were results of climatic extremes, but there was not a
