Providing sustainable water supply and sanitation (WSS) services in developing countries remains an immense, and increasingly urgent, challenge.

This guidance note aims to assist countries with determining how to secure the financing for their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes. Financing is needed throughout the entire NAP process to enable its potential to be reached—from its initiation to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of prioritized adaptation actions.

The Food Loss and Waste: Facts and Futures Report sketches the state of food loss and waste, with a specific lens into excessive food loss and wastage in South Africa. In South Africa, 10 million tonnes of food go to waste every year. This accounts for a third of the 31 million tonnes that are produced annually in South Africa.

The G20 and other nations have taken huge strides over the last year towards mobilizing the trillions of dollars of public and private capital needed to make sustainable development and climate action a reality, according to new UN Environment research.

Improving solid waste management is crucial for countering public health impacts of uncollected waste and environmental impacts of open dumping and burning.

With close to 250 million Indians not connected to the discom grid or able to reliably access electricity, DRE-based minigrids are an effective solution to meet citizens’ electricity needs. Shakti supported Okapi Research and Advisory to identify solutions for integrating minigrids with the utility grid.

The objective of eliminating poverty in all its dimensions such that every citizen has access to a minimum standard of food, education, health, clothing, shelter, transportation and energy has been at the heart of India’s development efforts since Independence.

Climate change will affect all types of infrastructure, including energy, transport and water. Rising temperatures, increased flood risk and other potential hazards will threaten the reliable and efficient operation of these networks, with potentially large economic and social impacts.

Sub-Saharan Africa experienced a slowdown in investment growth from nearly 8% in 2014 to 0.6% in 2015, according to the new Africa’s Pulse, a biannual analysis of the state of African economies conducted by the World Bank. This sluggish investment has coincided with a sharp deceleration in economic growth in Africa.

Prepared on behalf of Champions 12.3, The Business Case for Reducing Food Loss and Waste analyzes the financial impacts of historical food loss and waste reduction efforts conducted by a country, a city, and numerous companies. The results show that the financial benefits of taking action often significantly outweighed the costs.
