The tiny island nation can teach the United States valuable lessons about energy policy.

The eco-movement is turning governance upside down. Who's winning this brand-new game?

Green Ventures India aims to offer technology and advisory services in return for securing carbon credits

It is great to see that we Americans finally have some national unity on energy policy. Unfortunately, the unifying idea is so ridiculous, so unworthy of the people aspiring to lead the United States, it takes your breath away.

A hybrid plant combines wind, solar and hybrid power conditioning unit with a battery to supply electricity to remote areas.

Climate change is one of the key challenges of this century. Specifically, balancing climate change mitigation and increased energy needs in developing countries poses a serious dilemma that can only be reconciled with new and improved clean energy technologies.

This report provides a review of the active UNDP-GEF wind energy portfolio. It looks at the design, costs and efficiency of existing projects, drawing on the experience of 14 wind energy projects that have been financed through UNDP to help national governments implement wind energy public policies. It includes a detailed analysis and recommendations for future projects on prioritizing countries, choosing types of policies and designing mechanisms. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), for example, emerges as a possible way of increasing revenues of wind energy projects.

The world's largest tidal turbine, weighing 1,000 tonnes, has been installed in Northern Ireland's Strangford Lough. It is the first commercial tidal turbine, which will generate enough energy

The International Energy Agency, an organization that monitors the energy market of industrialized countries, has reprimanded Finland for subsidizing the electricity generated from peat-fired power

Is my sustainability work consonant with the gravity of the climate crisis and the urgency of the ecological challenges we face? At Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), as a complement to our work on renewable energy hedges, we are working to transform energy use on campus. One project underway is a system of grid-tied electric vehicles (Vehicle to Grid or V2G) combined with a solar photovoltaic charging system and smart computer control.
