Alteration of the spatial variability of natural flow regimes has been less studied than that of the temporal variability, despite its ecological importance for river ecosystems. Here, we aimed to quantify the spatial patterns of flow regime alterations along a river network in the Sagami River, Japan, by estimating river discharge under natural and altered flow conditions. We used a distributed hydrological model, which simulates hydrological processes spatiotemporally, to estimate 20-year daily river discharge along the river network.

Northern China is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. Agricultural activities have intensified since the 1980s to provide food security to the country. However, this intensification has likely contributed to an increasing scarcity in water resources, which may in turn be endangering food security. Based on in-situ measurements of soil moisture collected in agricultural plots during 1983–2012, we find that topsoil (0–50 cm) volumetric water content during the growing season has declined significantly (p 

In Eastern Himalayan region, snow melt is the major source of fresh water. Also, snow covered areas lying at low altitudes are expected to be most vulnerable to global warming. Thus, assessment of the snowmelt runoff under different climatic scenarios is important for efficient management and planning of water resources, which can be used towards mitigating the influence of climate change.

The study highlights the climatic water balance, drought assessment and agricultural potentiality of Uppar Odai sub-basin located in the Southern part of India, Tamil Nadu state. The average annual precipitation in the sub-basin is 625 mm, which is much lower than the state average rainfall (970 mm). It has been observed that the intensive agricultural practices and extensive groundwater mining lead to the groundwater decline in the sub-basin. Rainfall data were collected from 1971-2011 for five rain gauge stations.

Acute shortage of water supply for domestic and irrigation purposes in hard rock area is accentuated by occurrence of groundwater in limited quantity within sparsely distributed aquifers characterised with secondary porosity of finite areal extent. Tawarja river basin is in drought prone Latur district of India falling in basaltic Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). which occupies half a million square km area.

Groundwater is a finite resource under continuous external pressures. Current unsustainable groundwater use threatens the resilience of aquifer systems and their ability to provide a long-term water source. Groundwater storage is considered to be a factor of groundwater resilience, although the extent to which resilience can be maintained has yet to be explored in depth. In this study, we assess the limit of groundwater resilience in the world's largest groundwater systems with remote sensing observations.

While considering the accordance of forest clearance for 750 MW Tawang-I and 750 MW Tawang-II projects, the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, (MoEF and CC) asked the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to conduct a study on Tawang river basin with the following objectives: To assess the impact of thirteen hy

Many irrigation systems are special cases of common-pool resources (CPRs) in which some users have preferential access to the resource, which in theory aggravates collective action challenges such as the under-provision of necessary infrastructure as a result of unequal appropriation of water resources. We present experimental evidence based on an irrigation game played in communities that are dependent on one of the largest contiguous irrigation network: the Indus basin irrigation system in Punjab, Pakistan.

Estimation of extremely high rainfall (point or areal) is one of the major components of design storm derivation. The estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) involves selection of heavy rainstorms and its maximization for the moisture content during the rainstorm period. These heavy rainstorms are nothing but the widespread heavy rainfall exceeding a certain threshold value. The present study examines the characteristics of heavy rainstorms in the Indus basin selected from present climate

The Ganges coastal zone of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India, is characterized by extremes in terms of both challenges and opportunities. Despite the huge investment in the coastal zone over the past 50 years, the poverty of farming families in the region remains extreme.
