The separate and combined effects of different drivers of change to water fluxes and resources on land (CWOL) remain difficult to distinguish and largely unknown, particularly at a global scale. Our study analyzes CWOL during the period 1901–2008, based on available hydroclimatic data for up to 859 hydrological basins. We develop a worldwide spectrum of change magnitudes and directions in Budyko space, from which we distinguish climate and landscape drivers of CWOL.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on interlinking of rivers, 04/12/2014.

As the reality of climate change becomes accepted in the scientific community, it is critical to continue to understand its impact on the ground, particularly for communities dependent on agriculture and natural resources.

Central Water Commission (CWC), Government of India has undertaken the task of conducting, “Cumulative Impact and Carrying Capacity Study of Subansiri basin including Downstream Impact in Brahmaputra River Valley” with an objective to assess the cumulative impacts of hydropower development in the basin.

Feeding the world’s growing population and finding the land and water to grow enough food continues to be a basic and sizeable challenge. It is an enormous task because the increase in food production required to meet future needs may have to be achieved with fewer land and water resources.

The study indicates that analysis of morphometric parameters with the help of geographic information system (GIS) would prove a viable method of characterizing
the hydrological response behaviour of the watershed. It is also well observed that remote sensing satellite data is emerging as the most effective, time saving and accurate
technique for morphometric analysis of a basin.

The SDG development process has been extensive and inclusive in its attempt to establish consensus among countries and other stakeholders on universal goals and targets. While the global SDGs will be finalized over the coming year, the shape of them is emerging and it is possible to envisage key elements of the water-related SDGs.

Climate Change 2014: Impacts,Adaptation, and Vulnerability is the second volume of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — Climate Change 2013/2014 — and was prepared by its Working Group II.

Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal are connected by the combined system of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers, but erratic water supplies and pressures of population growth are leading to tensions over management of these transboundary waters. GOLAM RASUL outlines the main issues of transboundary water management in this Himalayan basin and the opportunities that exist to improve cooperation between these countries.

The proper management of water resources plays a key role in the socioeconomic development of Armenia. On average, Armenia has sufficient water resources.
