साइड इफेक्ट से बचने को निर्माण, बिक्री पर रोक लगेगी

टीवी पर जिन फेयरनेस क्रीम और लिपस्टिक का प्रचार सेलिब्रिटी करते हैं, उनमें से कई आपकी खूबसूरती बढ़ाने की जगह सेहत बिगाड़ सकते हैं। सेंटर फॉर साइंस एंड एनवायर्नमेंट का दावा है कि इनमें मरकरी, क्रोमि

आपको गोरा बनाने का दावा करने वाली क्रीम आपको त्वचा संबंधी गंभीर बीमारियों का शिकार बना सकती हैं। इन सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों के नमूनों के परीक्षण से उनमें खतरनाक धातुओं के मौजूद होने की पुष्टि हुई है। सें

CSE Study Finds Leading Brands Using Mercury, Chromium And Nickel

New Delhi: Your make-up may be leaving you with a touch of toxic heavy metals, with potential health implications over long-term use. A study by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) claims to have found high levels of mercury in several well-known national and international brands of skinwhitening creams and chromium in several brands of lipsticks.

Popular cosmetic products, including fairness creams and lipsticks, contain mercury, chromium and nickel, according to a report released by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) here on Wedn

Pakistan has moved in the most distress category of water scarce countries in the world where per capita availability of water has gone less than 1,000 cubic feet not only because of lack of water

Different skin and abdominal diseases are on the rise in several areas of the city as the inhabitants are forced to drink contaminated water due to obsolete and rusty pipelines.

Roundup herbicide, which is meant to kill farm weeds, “poses the risk of serious human health hazards including cancer”, says a new study by the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (IITR).

Thiruvananthapuram: The office of the commissioner of food safety has released a set of norms for food business operators (FBOs).

People of as many as 18 districts of Assam are prone to several water–borne diseases following a fact that arsenic in ground–water of these districts is found beyond permissible limit (0.05 mg/litr
