Formaldehyde was classified as a potential human carcinogen, identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency and International Agency for Research on Cancer as a Class 2A carcinogen. It also can cause irritation to human. However, formaldehyde present in biological fluids or tissues and environment as a result of natural processes or from man-made sources and can be emitted slowly into the air. Formaldehyde was used in many industries, hospitals and research as a sterilizing and preserving agent.

Very high levels of a range of pharmaceuticals have been reported recently in the effluent from a wastewater treatment plant near Hyderabad, India. The plant serves approximately 90 manufacturers of bulk drugs that primarily are exported to the world market. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics were found at levels that are highly toxic to various microorganisms.

Patancheru, near Hyderabad, India, is a major production site for the global bulk drug market. Approximately 90 manufacturers send their wastewater to a common treatment plant in Patancheru. Extraordinary high levels of a wide range of pharmaceuticals have recently been demonstrated in the treated effluent. As little as 0.2% of this effluent can strongly reduce the growth rate of tadpoles, but the underlying mechanisms of toxicity are not known. To begin addressing how the effluent affects aquatic vertebrates, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to 0.2% effluent for 5 d.

LUCKNOW: Forsake your private vehicles and go for `pool' transport. The drastic increase in vehicular pollution in residential areas of Lucknow is due to substantial increase in vehicles plying on city roads. Going for pool transport could be the contribution of Lucknowites towards saving the environmental quality.

French scientist Gilles-Eric S

The inhibitory effects of heavy metals on self-purification processes in surface water were studied. Toxicities of the metals were evaluated on the grounds of the results of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) test in river water.

Report of the Expert Committee (EC-II) to review findings of large scale trials and the related biosafety studies on Bt brinjal submitted to GEAC on Oct 8, 2009. Concludes that that development and safety assessment of Bt brinjal is fully compliant with the conditions stipulated by GEAC.

Migration of bisphenol-A (BPA), the principal monomer of polycarbonate (PC) baby bottles, was investigated using an aqueous migration simulant. BPA was determined in 200 mL water samples using stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) after in situ derivatization with acetic acid anhydride followed by thermal desorption (TD)-capillary GC-MS. The concentration of BPA was calculated using the deuterated internal standard d6-BPA. Calibration for BPA was shown to be linear in a concentration range from 1 ng/L to 10 mg/L with a correlation coefficient 40.99.

THE United States Environment Protection Agency has a four-day testing period to evaluate a pesticide

Most popular paints in India contain high quantities of lead, a toxin especially dangerous to children. The Centre for Science and Environment
