A bitter debate over HFCs heats up ahead of India-US talks

The US and other developed nations may want India to toe their line in phasing out hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) - climate damaging refrigerant gas - but they won't find it easy to push New Delhi to jun

The global community is to sign a new compact on climate change by 2015.

Industrialised countries should phase out HFC says Sunita Narain, Director-General, CSE in this presentation at CSE Annual South Asian Media Briefing Workshop on Climate Change, 2013 held from September 18-19, 2013.

New Delhi: The US and other developed nations may want India to toe their line in phasing out hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) — the climate damaging refrigerant gas — but they won’t find it easy to push N

United States and other industrialized nations may want India to toe their line in phasing out hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) - climate damaging refrigerant gas - but it won't be easy for them to push New Delhi to divert from its stated position.

India has got support of three other powerful nations - Brazil, South Africa and China - in getting its position endorsed that the country will not phase out HFC unless there is availability of safe and economically viable alternatives.

A powerful group of nations working on climate change has agreed with India's stand against the US and some developed countries' move to push for the phasing out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

International leaders are failing in their fight against global warming, one of the United Nations’ top climate officials said Tuesday, appealing directly to the world’s voters to pressure their po

International treaties, environment, science and business interests converge on the use and replacement of refrigerant gases.

The issue of refrigerant gases is covered by two international agreements Montreal Protocol (MP) and the UN Framework Contention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The MP is meant to reduce or do away with gases that cause a hole in the ozone layer that envelopes the Earth — mostly refrigerant gases and solvents. The UNFCCC is meant to bring down emissions of greenhouse gases that warm up the planet.

The trust for the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism, the operator of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas credit program, had an operating surplus of $82 million in the 18 months through Jun
