Expert warns that people should not be seduced by disaster insurance, saying it is not a panacea for weather-related shocks

New Delhi: South Delhi Municipal Corporation’s composting plant in Okhla has become the first to get carbon credits from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the country.

The South Delhi Municipal Corporation’s composting plant in Okhla received Rs.25 lakh as carbon credits from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Tata Power has registered its 50.4 MW wind project at Samana, Gujarat, under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

The 14th BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) Ministerial Meeting on climate change was held in Chennai, India on February 15-16, 2013. At the conclusion of the Meeting a Joint Statement was issued.

US charges that India’s National Solar Mission is discriminating against foreign solar companies

'It is an attempt to browbeat India and further the interest of US solar companies'

The US has challenged India's solar energy policy before the World Trade Organisation (WTO), saying it favours domestic sourcing of solar panels. The challenge, filed on February 6, says the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) flouts global trade norms.

Tata Power Company Ltd has said it has registered its 25 MW project at Mithapur, Gujarat, with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

With proper forethought, climate finance could cut gender inequity and consequentially become more economically efficient. But the opposite may happen if funds ignore the issue, warns Anna Petherick.

Embarking on a climate compatible development pathway now has a price tag. The cost of tackling climate change in developing countries could reach some hundreds of billions of dollars annually over the coming decades.
