The share of renewables in the global energy mix has increased over the past decade to more than 15 per cent but doubts remain over whether a 2030 target of 30 per cent is achievable, delegates to

After tethering on the edge of a collapse, the United Nations Doha conference on climate change ended with an agreement, but it was an agreement of low ambitions. Avoidance of collapse is a poor measure of success and Doha revealed deep divisions on how to combat climate change, division which will surface when negotiations resume this year. In terms of progress towards real actions to tackle the climate change crisis, the Doha conference was another lost opportunity.

Longer summer, shorter winter observed in many places. The weather pattern in Bhutan has become unpredictable.

This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) framework and enhance the understanding on NAMAs by explaining the Conference of the Parties (COP) decisions in layman’s terms.

Few problems are as pressing and as existential for the world as climate change, and few have proven to be as intractable. Three decades of international negotiations on climate change have yielded little by way of action that would substantially slow, let alone reverse, human-caused climate change. Can things be different?

The Doha Climate Change Conference ended with very limited progress. The challenge is now to identify opportunities for accelerating progress towards international agreement and stronger action to limit climate change. This paper considers some of these opportunities and related issues.

Climate change is defined as a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, or of a region on Earth and has been a topic of global interest over the last few decades.

Expectations were low at Doha. But the 18th conference of parties (Cop 18) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change surprised even the cynics by legitimising a couldn’t-care-less doctrine.

TUV SUD, an international leading technical service organization catering to the industry, mobility and certification segment, has decided to manage the validation and verification of clean develop

The quiet collapse of the most basic principle of UN climate negotiations in Doha - that all decisions should be taken only with complete consensus of 194 countries party to the convention -- has t
