There was fear in the 1960s. Would India continue to wait for food imports to feed itself? The scientific community came up with an answer that gave hope for all times to come: the Green Revolution. Yields began to rise. The country had surplus foodgrain.

an environmental policy has been chalked out for Haryana state irrigation department. The main objective of this policy is to create environmental awareness among the officials of the irrigation

This manual is built out of CSE's experience in providing technical advice to implement rainwater harvesting in the urban context.

A campaign by an organisation to clean up the polluted lakes of Udaipur has finally paid off. The Rajasthan High Court clamps down on erring government officials harvest water in their homes

Gujarat s minister for major irrigation projects needs to understand that big dams alone do not add up to water management

The slump in rainfall, as experienced in most parts of South Africa, will result in a severe spell of prolonged drought, according to a warning issued by the Kenya Meteorological Department (

This new device will ensure that plants grown in the desert do not lack water

Water trains aren t a strange sight anymore. Not the least in the parched areas of Gujarat. But while many villages await their erratic supply, residents of villages such as Raj Samadiyala in Rajkot district believe it is a shame to get government wat

A movement to recharge the depleted groundwater aquifers in a parched district of Madhya Pradesh gathers momentum
