democracy Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has threatened to seize foreign-owned mining and other companies in the country to check their "dirty tricks' that kept prices of basic goods high in spite of

Soaring inflation and a chaotic governance has put Zimbabwe into its worst days. But its diaspora has pitched in to help, through a medium that the country's despotic regime can hardly tame: the

Zimbabwe's election as the head of an important un environment body has generated much controversy. Francis Nhema, the country's minister of environment and tourism was nominated by Africa to head

Harare has announced it will discontinue support to new black commercial farmers when the next summer season commences. The decision comes in the face of an economic meltdown. According to a

Battling the world's highest annual rate of inflation, which is around 1,200 per cent now, Zimbabwe is facing a serious deadlock over monthly wages. Agriculture is the worst hit, as the

>> Abul Hussam, a chemistry professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, was awarded the Grainger Challenge Prize for Sustainability. The Bangladesh-born US citizen was awarded by the

The World Diamond Council has expressed concerns over reports that rough diamonds from Zimbabwe are being smuggled into South Africa for sale into the world market under fraudulent

Economic Crisis

With its foreign relations in a mess due to continuing human rights accusations, Zimbabwe's diplomatic attempts seem to have taken a turn for the desperate. President Robert Mugabe is facing the ire
