There are three different types of drought, not one. There is a meteorological drought, when actual rainfall is deficient (20 per cent below normal) or scanty (60 per cent or more below normal). The Indian Meteorological Department has now declared a deficiency of 29 per cent in the south-west monsoon. Let
As part of contribution by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to the ongoing dialogue on the impact of the global financial crisis, present in this collection some
In September 2004, Down To Earth carried a two part editorial on the failure of the State to deliver basic services. In the September 15, 2004 issue we argued that on the one hand, the State has failed its citizens. On the other, the rich want s
There is today a worldwide emphasis on liberalisation and economic reforms coupled with the phenomenon of reduced government spending. Economic reforms can be broken down into two components,
THE 2 books under review have established, dependable credentials, which is why they have the rare virtue of being eagerly awaited every year for additional insights on global developments. This
Everyone these days is aware of the phenomenon of global warming, even if they find it difficult to distinguish between stratospheric ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect. Global Warming: The