The idea that you can save the natural world by increasing the efficiency of agriculture is very appealing. This writer is far from convinced

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, aka "mad cow disease", is almost extinct just 25 years after it was disc

The emotive row over universal flu vaccination misses a crucial fact – vaccines have a downside.

We have to remain vigilant so we can act at the first sign of an emerging disease. (Editorial)

Vulnerable people are increasingly targeted as subjects for clinical research. Have we forgotten the lessons of past abuses?

Today's climate models are more sophisticated than ever – but they're still limited by our knowledge of the Earth. So how well do they really work?

Those who enjoy the wetlands and seafood of New England's coastline may be surprised by who they have to thank: the loggers of the 18th and 19th centuries. In clearing vast tracts of land, those prolific loggers released so much sand and dirt that open-water bays turned into swamps.

New data and models show that Greenland's ice cap, the world's second largest, is on track to hit a point of no r

Climate scientists should not be apologising for their errors when they could win hearts and minds by patient explanation.

If we could see the energy we use we wouldn't be so wasteful. Technology can help, says Joseph Giacomin.
