There were tears, standing ovations and sheer relief after 12 days of frenetic negotiations. As the sun rose over Canc

Even doctors recoil from faecal transplants – but you might get over such squeamishness if it was your only hope of beating a killer infection.

If we could see the energy we use we wouldn't be so wasteful. Technology can help, says Joseph Giacomin.

The "triumph" of Cancún's climate negotiations may be largely diplomatic, but the foundations for a new, low-carbon world are already being laid regardless.

Scientists have both the right and a moral duty to be "stewards of God" by genetically modifying crops to help the world's poor, scientific advisers to the Vatican said.

Extreme weather events are becoming more common as the world warms

If politicians can find the courage to defy a hostile press, a rational policy on drugs will not only be possible but ultimately popular too, says Dick Taverne.

A pioneering series of experiments in California has an ambitious goal: to create a blueprint for sustainable fisheries.

The idea of health has become too much of a sacred cow to challenge. Time to slaughter the beast, say Jonathan M. Metzl and Anna Kirkland.

Country-dwellers miss out on the bustle and bright lights
