It is early evening in Ndabibi village in Naivasha, and there are threatening clouds overhead.

China is taking steps to standardise its solid waste recycling industry, which despite being a burgeoning green sector has stoked environmental concerns due to reckless expansion.

Converting forests into farms is not economically viable except in selected regions, says a global study.

A global panel of experts has recommended the creation of a first-ever international body focused on urban sustainability.

Researchers have just issued three separate climate warnings to the citizens of Europe on the same day, in three different journals – a triple risk salvo.

Sorghum is the fifth most economically important cereal in the world and is grown in some of the most arid parts of Africa and South Asia, where it is a staple food for half a billion people.

According to the country’s environment ministry, Indonesians consume a million plastic bags per minute, and rank second in the world (behind China) for dumping plastic into the sea.

With a backdrop of the snow-capped Himalayas stretched out across a vibrant blue sky, it is hard to dispute the sign as you enter Komik that declares it to be the world’s highest village with a roa

It is possible to trigger ocean oxygen depletion, choking the world’s seas.

Mega-dam construction is booming around the world, with promoters hyping hydropower as a green, renewable source of energy and a means of curbing climate change.
