E-cigarette users could be at risk of developing lung disease after scientists found a toxic chemical inside the majority of flavoured refill liquids that they tested.
The World Health Organization said Monday it had deployed an emergency response team to help Ethiopia cope with its worst drought in decades due to El Niño.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is aiming to reduce the cost of renewable energy in the country by providing a funding boost to an innovative solar cell technology.
Leading the way in switching to clean energy, Uruguay at the Paris climate talks declared it had gone in for a mix of renewable energy that is providing 94.5% of the country's electricity.
Elementary and middle schools were asked to suspend outdoor activities as Beijing issued another orange alert for smog, which will go into effect beginning Tuesday.
New tests carried out by the Associated Press have found that the waters around Rio de Janeiro are heavily and dangerously contaminated, even 1Km out to sea.