Researchers have developed carbon-capturing machines much smaller than the width of a human hair, which could one day combat ocean acidification and global warming.
Indonesia's Central Kalimantan province saw increased demonstrations Tuesday over the stinging haze that has engulfed the region in recent days due to recurring forest fires.
Water managers at over 100 forecast locations across Australia can now predict the level of water in rivers seven days in advance with the Bureau of Meteorology’s new streamflow forecasting service
The United Nations is making it easier for companies and people to "offset" their carbon dioxide emissions by investing in clean energy projects in developing countries.
Desertification -- climate change-triggered degradation of land ecosystems -- might, in a decade, create 50 million refugees, the Economics of Land Degradation (ELD), a global initiative led by 30
Farmers across India who are already hit by unseasonal rains this year have to brace up as a report on Monday said that the country is headed towards the driest monsoon season for the third time in
Dutch scientists have constructed the world’s biggest man-made wave machine to find out if their country can cope with increasingly devastating floods.
A new worldwide analysis finds the emerging impact of poor diet as the biggest contributor to early deaths in 108 countries across the globe, followed by smoking and air pollution as high-ranking r