Current policies on upland agriculture need reviewing in light of recent research that shows that slash-and-burn farming systems are not only more sustainable than other systems but could also play a better role in sustaining downstream hydropower and river delta rice-bowls.

Climate and other drivers of change raise questions about the continued reliance on surface water resources, prompting countries to fundamentally rethink groundwater management strategies. A range of technical options are available for groundwater recharge. Technology aside, a managed recharge strategy strongly implies a shift to conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater.

This paper applies the principles of water-use accounts, developed in the first of the series, to the Indus River basin in South Asia. The Indus Basin covers 3 countries, rises

This is the first volume on the proceedings of the national conference on

This is the second volume of the proceedings of the national conference on

This paper applies the principles of water-use accounts, developed in the first of the series, to the Ganges river basin in South Asia. The Ganges basin covers six countries, the river rises in the western Himalayas in the Uttarakhand state of India, A unique feature is the strong seasonal variation in both precipitation and potential evaporation.

This is the third volume of the proceedings of the national conference on

In most developing countries wastewater treatment systems have very low coverage or function poorly, resulting in large-scale water pollution and the use of poor-quality water for crop irrigation, especially in the vicinity of urban centres. This can pose significant risks to public health, particularly where crops are eaten raw.

The second national workshop of the NRLP research project, held at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, on April 8-9, 2009, mainly focused on strategic issues of Indian irrigation that require immediate attention. The issues highlighted at the workshop contribute to a cluster of short- to long-term strategies for a perspective plan for the Indian water sector.

This report, by the UNDP Regional Centre for Asia and Pacific, looks into the lessons learned from the past economic crises, the impact of the current crisis and policy responses in 14 countries in Asia Pacific. The analysis takes into consideration the rising threat of climate change and the recent experience of natural disasters in the region.
