This study examines the global patterns and impacts of droughts through the mapping of several drought-related characteristics

This report focuses on the establishment of the Red River Basin Organization (RRBO) in Vietnam, but expands its analysis to the wider transformations of the water sector that impinge on the formation and effectiveness of this organization. A few reflections on the policy process are drawn from this analysis, albeit in a tentative form given the relatively limited period of time considered here.

The construction of dams in Africa is often associated with adverse malaria impacts in surrounding communities. However, the

Asia accounts for 70% of the world

Water storage has a vital role to play in improving global food security and building resilience for adaptation to climate change. A wide range of storage options are available, each with strengths and weaknesses.

This paper attempts to provide an ex-post assessment of the field level impact and economic viability of the SRRP using the empirically derived estimates of the average income impacts that the application of bentonite or clay technology has generated among farm communities in Northeast Thailand.

This paper attempts to provide an ex-post assessment of the field level impact and economic viability of the SRRP using the empirically derived estimates of the average income impacts that the application of bentonite or clay technology has generated among farm communities in Northeast Thailand.

In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the increasing competition for water between various sectors is aggravated by growing demands for water, climate change and environmental degradation. One of the major consumers of water is livestock keeping, which is an important livelihood strategy for smallholder farmers in Africa.

This paper draws on the development and use of water resources in the Lower Bhavani Project (LBP), with the LBP reservoir and the 84,000 hectare (ha) LBP command area. The project diverts water from the Bhavani River, a tributary of the Cauvery River, in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

This paper assesses the potential contribution, constraints and prospects of contributions from different demand management strategies in the irrigation sector to an alternative water sector perspective plan for India. The main purpose of this paper is to: set the basic economic logic of demand
