This publication provides a snapshot of the progress being made to adopt and implement key actions that can significantly improve air quality. Many of the 193 countries have implemented policies and activities (green) and others are in process (orange), while others still have to adopt or implement them (red).

Almost one quarter of China will be covered in forest by 2020 if the country succeeds in its mission towards building an "eco-civilization", a report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) finds.

The sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) Regional Assessment for Asia and the Pacific paints a comprehensive picture of the environmental factors contributing to human health and well-being at the regional level.

This report tries to advance understanding of climatic stressor effects on ecosystems and possible correlations and implications for societal losses and damages.

UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report series focuses on Finance, Technology and Knowledge gaps in climate change adaptation. It compliments the Emissions Gap Report series, and explores the implications of failing to close the emissions gap.

Sustainable urbanization is known to be a vehicle for national economic and social transformation.

Global trends point to a relative decoupling of water – that is, the rate of water resource use is increasing at a rate slower than that of economic growth.

This brief seeks to unpack why, where and how gender analysis fits into the community-based adaptation process, providing a rational for its importance and pointing to key resources.

The Parties to the Montreal Protocol are informed by three Panels of experts. One of these is the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP), which deals with two focal issues. The first focus is the effects of increased UV radiation on human health, animals, plants, biogeochemistry, air quality, and materials.

Achieving sustainable development will mean changes for the global workforce, according to the 2015 Human Development Report (HDR) report, which focuses on the theme 'Work for Human Development.' The report recommends a broad view of work that includes creative, unpaid care and voluntary work, in order to harness benefits for sustainable develop
