The transition to a climate-constrained world is occurring at a time when nearly half of the world

A European Eco-efficient Economy has been prepared as a background report for the 2009 Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It forms a common basis for discussions at the informal ministerial meetings of the Council dealing with energy, environment and competitiveness .

In order to strengthen cooperation on and deepen analysis of issues related to sustainable development, the Swedish Government
has set up an advisory Commission on Sustainable Development.
The Commission serves as a forum for discussion, analysis and

This report contains a list of key messages that together can effectively improve the conditions for food productions and poverty alleviation. There is a large potential to improve water productivity through improved and known water and land management practices, says co-author Jennie Barron. Water productivity is a measure of the amount of water needed to generate an amount of produce.

The report, entitled "Sea Change: US Climate Policy Prospects Under the Obama Administration", provides an analysis of climate policy prospects under the Obama administration and was produced for the Swedish Government's Sustainability Commission in preparation for the upcoming Swedish EU Presidency and the Swedish leadership of the COP15 EU delegation in December 2009.

Carbon or greenhouse gas (GHG) offsets have long been promoted as an important element of a comprehensive climate policy approach. Offset programs can reduce the overall cost of achieving a given emission goal by enabling emission reductions to occur where costs are lower.

This report presents a conceptual framework that can be used by stakeholders concerned by the development and management of shared freshwater resources. The objective is to promote the sustainable and equitable use of transboundary water resources,

This report urges them to fully recognise the scale of the task ahead, to overcome the inertia of

There is no doubt that the world needs to take a more integrated and sustainable approach to the development and management of water resources. Through its activities in sub-Saharan Africa, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) is helping regions and countries to advance in this direction by encouraging the appliication of a participatory approach to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
