With an agri-food trade value of €255 billion in 2017, the EU confirms for yet another year its position as largest global exporter and importer of agri-food products. EU exports of agri-food products reached €138 billion in 2017, representing an annual increase of 5.1%.

The European Commission proposed carbon dioxide (CO2) emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles. It is Europe’s first attempt at setting mandatory targets for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from on-road freight vehicles, and a necessary step to meet the climate change mitigation objectives of the European Union.

The European Commission proposed carbon dioxide (CO2) emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles. It is Europe’s first attempt at setting mandatory targets for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from on-road freight vehicles, and a necessary step to meet the climate change mitigation objectives of the European Union.

In many Asian cultures the tiger tops the lion as the king of all beasts. Symbolising power and strength, it also holds the potential for great violence and destruction. Asia's rich natural tapestry treads an equally fine balance, defining whether its people and communities simply survive or are able to thrive.

This study has been carried out in the context of the broader work on internalisation of external costs of transport. External costs are costs to society that, without policy intervention, are not reflected in the costs actually borne by transport users.

Natural hazards can affect the electricity supply and result in power outages which can trigger accidents, bring economic activity to a halt and hinder emergency response until electricity supply is restored to critical services. This study analyzes the impact of earthquakes, space weather and floods on the power grid recovery time.

The Second Report on the State of the Energy Union shows that the modernisation of the European Union economy and the transition to a low-carbon era are happening. In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and renewable energy, Europe is on track to reach its 2020 targets.

Europe as a whole is performing well in its deployment of renewables. In 2011, renewables generated 21.7% of the EU's electricity; three years later, this figure has reached 27.5%, and it is expected to climb to 50% by 2030.

The Commission is optimistic that Europe is on track to reach its 2020 targets. Europe has committed itself to increasing its energy efficiency by 20% by 2020. Reaching this target will require effort from all Member States.

Air pollution travels over long distances and over national boundaries having a negative impact on human health.
