This paper presents a common framework for synthesizing and analyzing the role of agriculture and land use in the NDCs to facilitate a better understanding of country priorities, challenges and support needs.

This paper presents a global assessment on how food value chains and the agri-food sector have been considered in the Nationally Determined Contributions, and outlines the connection between the agri-food sector and livelihoods in the broader context of climate change mitigation.

Antimicrobials (AM) play a critical role in the treatment of human and animal (aquatic and terrestrial) diseases, which has led to their widespread application and use. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the ability of microorganisms (e.g.

FAO has released a new edition of its Yearbook of Forest Products, which compiles production and trade statistics on basic forest products including wood, wood fuel, charcoal, pulp and paper across the globe.

Wider, appropriate and long-term application of genetic improvement in aquaculture, with a focus on selective breeding, will help boost food production to meet a projected increase in demand for fish and fish products with relatively little extra feed, land, water and other inputs, according to a new FAO report.

The FAO Land & Water Division launched a new publication and e-learning course on SDG Indicator 6.4.1 - 'Change in water-use efficiency over time'. The new publication, which is the second of a new series of water resources papers on SDG 6.4, is intended to provide suggestions for the interpretation of the indicator 6.4.1.

This publication conveys priority and entry points to turn the potential of mountain agriculture into real benefits for the Asian region. It includes 8 country case studies.

Hunger is on the rise again in the world after a decade of decline. Hunger not only cruelly affects the well-being of people, it also undermines national development prospects of any kind. It erodes human productivity and exists in direct contradiction to the human right to adequate food. But hunger is a scourge that can be eradicated.

The world is off-track to meet most of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets linked to hunger, food security and nutrition, according to a FAO report. The report paints a grim picture.

An estimated 820 million people did not have enough to eat in 2018, up from 811 million in the previous year, which is the third year of increase in a row.
