Indonesia’s comparatively low rate of taxation, exacerbated by falling revenues during the COVID-19 pandemic, has created significant fiscal problems. Well-designed transport fuel taxes can be an effective and efficient way to fill this gap, as demonstrated by experience in India.

In response to challenges related to a fossil-dominated energy system and a slow-paced renewable energy roll-out, the goal of this report is twofold: first, to explore new models for renewable energy development that create a greater role for public and community ownership, and second, to consider the implications these business models have for

This report examines how the OECD-led global digital tax reforms could lead to lost mining investment and revenue in developing countries if issues related to temporary timing differences are not addressed.

This report explores ways in which trade policy can further support a transition to a more circular economy using regional trade agreements (RTAs) as a vehicle.

Small island developing states are particularly vulnerable to climate change, natural disasters, and external economic shocks.

Small island developing states are particularly vulnerable to climate change, natural disasters, and external economic shocks.

This publication from the IGF Secretariat provides governments with a series of policy options that will help ensure their mining frameworks support the social and economic advancement of women while minimizing the risks and negative impacts of mining operations in their countries.

This report examines how trade policy can help governments anticipate and respond to food system shocks while avoiding harm to producers and consumers in other countries. It also makes the case that major importing and exporting nations have a particular responsibility to help safeguard the stability of global food markets.

This brief explores recent momentum on hydrogen and evaluates potential implications for subsidies for fossil fuel-based hydrogen given the government's commitments on fossil fuel subsidies.

How does Canada stack up when it comes to climate policy in agriculture? While the nation has made important strides in allocating climate-related funding for agriculture in its updated climate plan, it remains far behind global peers.
