This paper is a joint review undertaken to identify opportunities and implications for early warning systems in the light of changing climate.

This report aims at developing a common action plan that would facilitate public-private partnerships (PPP) for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in East Asia, based on an evaluation of PPP case studies and consultations with stakeholders.

With the threat of increased disasters from climate change, many countries are already taking steps to reduce their vulnerability to weather and climatic hazards, such as floods, cyclones, heatwaves and droughts. Adaptation to climate change is a relatively new concern, but it can call on a rich tradition spanning many decades of practices to reduce disaster risks.

This note reports on examples of recent experience in eight countries where national and local governments and civil society participants have worked to strengthen their disaster risk reduction and adaptation actions.

This report is the result of the effort to highlight the use of scientific and technical knowledge as an essential foundation for disaster risk reduction, and to make recommendations on key issues and priorities, including ways that specialist scientific and technical information can be more effectively adopted and put into practice.

This thematic review report on urban risk reduction in Asia was prepared by the Asia Regional Task Force on Urban Risk Reduction (RTF-URR) in the context of progress review in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action.

This paper is an initial attempt to consider the role in adaptation of insurance and related risk sharing and risk transfer methods, in the context of a comprehensive approach to risk reduction and risk management.

This is the first biennial global assessment of disaster risk reduction prepared in the context of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. It focuses on the nexus between disaster risk and poverty, in a context of global climate change.

This study makes a comparative analysis of 15 cities in the Asian region, including some megacities, medium sized cities, and smaller cities, in their capacity to absorb stress, to manage it and recover from it.
