Beyond the realms of Ranthambhore’, a status report on tiger and its prey in the wildlife habitats of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, aims at enabling improved and precise conservation strategies. The Ranthambhore National Park, located in WWF-India’s Western India Tiger Landscape is the westernmost arid zone range for wild tigers in the world.
A truly sustainable solution can only be provided when the ecosystem factors are spoken about in the same breath as the actual implementation of solutions, says a WWF-India & SELCO Foundation report.
The recent renewable energy roadmap released by WWF-India and World Institute of Sustainable Energy (WISE) for the Palakkad District shows that it is both feasible and practical for the district to meet 50 per cent of its energy demand with renewable sources by 2030.
“Role of Finance, with a special focus on Microfinance, in Enhancing Clean Energy Access” assesses the current status of energy access in the country, including the role of renewable energy and existing clean energy finance models and to understand the role of finance in enhancing access to clean energy.
This booklet attempts to demystify renewable energy based technologies, and brings it a step closer to the general masses from a practical perspective.
WWF-India conducted a Renewable Energy Survey to understand people’s perception on renewable energy and determine the level of acceptability among Indian citizens of the use of renewable energy sources.The People’s Perception Study showed that nearly 55% people surveyed haven’t used any renewable energy applications but more than 95% of them are
The population of tiger (Panthera tigris) in India has undergone a sharp decline over the past few years. In order to provide them a safe path between two tiger reserves, it’s critical that potential habitat be identified, and that needs of tigers be incorporated in development plans of the region.
Dudhwa National Park, located in Uttar Pradesh, became the first park in India to see the relocation of several Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis Linnaeus 1758) in 1984. Nine rhinos were brought in from Assam and Nepal and released in an electrified fence over two years.
This report presents information on the ecology and status of tigers and wild ungulates in a portion of the Terai Arc Landscape that lies between the town of Pilibhit in Uttar Pradesh and Suhelwa WLS in Balrampur District of Uttar Pradesh, referred to as the Central Terai Landscape.
The potential of renewable energy is not only limited to electricity generation, but also for a variety of applications (heating, cooling, mechanical and cooking) spanning across several sectors (residential, commercial and industrial).