Climate adaptation is the process of adjusting to novel climate regimes, such as reducing water consumption to compensate for reduced precipitation rates, shifting the location of an industry away from an increasingly drought-prone area to a region that will be receiving higher flows, or altering urban stream morphology to allow for larger and more frequent floods.

Coal is abundant and affordable in the Asia Pacific region, and for the foreseeable future could be used to meet the region's growing energy needs, but what becomes of those needs when air is too dirty to breathe; water is too polluted to drink; soil too contaminated to grow crops; land is unfit for habitation; and global warming unleashes unimaginable environmental disasters?

This paper begins by describing the existing architecture with regard to international funding for environmental actions, focusing on two pre-eminent institutions within this architecture: the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the World Bank. In many respects, the current situation is tending to

The G8 climate scorecards provide a comparable snapshot of the current situation across the G8 countries as well as the five major developing countries. They provide recent and expected emission developments of each country and various other indicators. The scorecards also provide an overview of the most important activities by the governments to respond to the threat of climate

This report deals with the serious conflicts that occur between humans and wildlife. In today

This report shows the impact of the average African to be low by western standards. But it also reveals that a growing number of African countries are now depleting their natural resources

This report discusses the role of the voluntary carbon offset market and provides an overview and guide to the most important currently available voluntary carbon offset standards using the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a benchmark. Carbon offset markets have been promoted as an important part of the solution to the climate crisis because of their economic and environmental efficiency and their potential to deliver sustainability co-benefits through technology transfer and capacity building.

This report shows that climate change is indeed already affecting Japan, for example its agriculture and fishing industry, its ecosystems and biodiversity, and its cultural heritage and identity. Changes range from symbolic examples like the early flowering of the iconic cherry trees to the life-threatening and cost-intensive impacts of sea-level rise and extreme weather events. An altering climate forces irreversible change on the residents of Japan, today and increasingly in the future according to the science synthesized for this report

This report analyses the impacts of climate change on eutrophication in the northern waters of the Baltic Sea. Two scenarios are presented. The first scenario, the Climate Change Scenario, assesses the impacts of predicted climate change under circumstances where no additional

Through its Green Carbon Initiative, WWF is deeply involved in the process of developing a credible and comprehensive standard system for forest carbon projects. This guidebook sets out what an appropriate meta-standard framework (MSF) must encompass in terms of both technical and methodological elements and implementation procedures to guide project developers and investors. It identifies those issues for which adequate guidance exists and point to where to find it. It also discusses topics for which further development is encouraged.
