New Delhi would become the second solar city in the country after Chandigarh

The Delhi government doesn't have data on implementation of rainwater harvesting systems in city buildings, departments or flyovers.

The city roads have pushed pedestrians, cyclists and even public transport users to the edge. Anybody not in a car has to constantly battle to get by without a scratch on certain roads.

Delhi's air pollution measures like introducing compressed natural gas, building the Metro and moving polluting industries outside city limits have been praised universally.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Dr. P.C. Prasad & Ors. Vs. Govt. Of NCT of Delhi & Ors. dated 04/07/2014. The Tribunal has directed the counsel appearing for the MoEF to take clear instructions from the Ministry as to why within the scope of the Entry 7(f) of the EIA Notification 2006 all projects for road construction including widening of road/construction of flyovers etc. within township area, should not be included to seek EIA clearance.

LUCKNOW: About 16 people die and 58 are injured every hour in India due to road accidents - the death rate, in fact, is equivalent to wiping out about 40 per cent of the population of a small natio

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is going to install three more roof-top solar power plants in its premises, as a continuation of its policy to encourage eco-friendly work practices and technolo

Judgement of the Delhi High Court in the matter of Aman Lekhi & Ors. Vs. Union Of India & Ors. dated 03/07/2014 regarding impact of commercialisation and redevelopment of East Kidwai Nagar on the infrastructure as well as the right to life of residents of the adjourning areas, like South Extension, New Delhi.

The government has declared the Capital free of blue kerosene, and many have switched over to cooking gas.

Stuck on a waterlogged road, many of you would blame the monsoon for your misery. This report should dispel that notion.
