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I met an eminent economist last week. He quoted another eminent economist cum columnist, and asked me if it was true that apples had higher pesticide residues than Coke or Pepsi. Before I could

A systematically careless government

Adulteration is an effect of warped pricing

New Hampshire has become the first state in the US to take on oil giants such as ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco over widespread contamination of its surface water and groundwater due to gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether MTBE . The state has sue

gm on the platter: The US government has recently issued a notice to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for failing to comply with safety laws when it allowed offsprings of animals used

CSE s Clean Air campaigners ANUMITA ROYCHOWDHURY and CHIRAG SHAH expose the dirty, intelligent and systematic business of fuel adulteration:

The problem: Oil companies refuse to take ultimate responsibility for the quality of the fuel the

unearthed: Thought to be extinct, the lizard Barkudia insularis has been sighted in Orissa's Chilika lagoon after more than 85 years. Ajit Kumar Patnaik, chief executive officer of the Chilika

In response to the direction issued by the Hon

A traditional water manager's prime duty is equitable water distribution and resolution of disputes. Their decisions are binding

Going against the grain of a September 9 federal appeals court directive, Brazil has allowed farmers to grow genetically modified (gm) soya bean this year. In the process, the country has temporarily
