The uk's review of technologies and fuels for reducing carbon emissions by vehicles is complete. Chairperson of the review Julia King, while discussing the study in Mumbai recently, claimed that

Building an effective air quality management system (AQMS) requires a process of continual improvement, and the source apportionment techniques described in this report can contribute in a cost effective manner to improving existing systems or

hard on pollutants: A recent court settlement has required the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review environmental hazards of nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides and revise, as

a sudden spurt in public discussion in Delhi over worsening air quality over the last few years has brought into focus a few interesting points about controlling urban air pollution. This is not to

One of the largest power utilities in the US, American Electric Power, has agreed to spend US $4.6 billion to reduce harmful emissions from its 16 coal-fired power plants. The settlement, which

cars were off Beijing's streets from August 17-20. The city officials decided to experiment in a drive to check pollution and ease the city's traffic. Traffic congestion and brown haze have been

05 Jun 2013

The initial phase of UPA II witnessed prolific rule making, but this was not followed by responsible governance

16 Dec 2010

For multiple reasons, the winters are the worst in Delhi, India - harsh winters, limited air movement, and restraining meteorological conditions worsen the already topped out air pollution problem.

Air quality crisis in cities is attributable mainly to vehicular emissions. Transportation systems are expanding everywhere. This paper examines the pollutant emissions from automobiles and identifies that the capacity of routine monitoring networks and impact assessment in India is usually limited to criteria pollutants.
