CHENNAI: Three Sloth bears including a sub-adult cub were rescued by the Forest Department officials in Villupuram last week.

The bears have been rehabilitated at the Vandalur zoo, where they were brought on Saturday midnight, the zoo authorities said.

Mumbai: The People for Ethical Treatment to Animals (Peta) filed a complaint against the directorate of forensic science (DFS) laboratory in Mumbai for violating the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 by carrying out experiments on animals.
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India's hope for a H1N1 vaccine has got a shot in the arm with Serum Institute beginning animal trials for the vaccine, a prelude to the much tougher human trials.

"Animal trials for the H1N1 vaccine have started," Rajeev M. Dhere, senior director, Serum Institute of India, said.

Ahmedabad: Travellers flying from Ahmedabad airport can now leave behind the fear of their plane encountering a winged obstacle. Airport authorities will now be armed with laser guns to scare away the birds at city airport.

Sangeetha Neeraja | ENS

"The fever is catching up in Chennai. There are lot of people getting into it as a sport," says Eshwaran, secretary, Tamil Nadu Homer Pigeon Association
PIGEONS, the one-time friends of lovers for carrying their love notes for miles, have now caught the imagination of Chennaiites who are getting into pigeon racing with gusto.

With "hormone-free", "cage-free" and "antibiotic-free" becoming common labels on our supermarket shelves, might "pain-free" be the next sticker slapped onto a rump roast? As unlikely as that may seem, progress in neuroscience and genetics in recent years makes it a very real possibility. In fact, according to one philosopher, we have an ethical duty to consider the option.

This article investigates weaknesses of consumer boycotts. First, usual shortcomings of collective action, such as coordination failure and free riding, reduce considerably the success likelihood. Second, consumers with the highest ability to hurt the targeted firm

J. Balaji

NEW DELHI: Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Atul Kumar Gupta has assured the National Human Rights Commission that the State Government will work out an action plan within a week for removal of illegal furnaces and an abattoir in Meerut and submit it to the Commission.

>> The TV reality show Iss Jungle Se Mujhe Bachao is in the midst of a controversy with animal rights activists writing to ministry of information and broadcasting not to telecast such a show as it was meting out cruelty to animals. The show on Sony TV has 10 celebrities roughing it out in jungles of Malaysia. >> Two journalists were fined by a court in Namibia for filming the

C. Jaishankar

To check electrical fencing and prevent death of elephants

To prevent unlawful tapping of power

Vulnerable places, elephant corridors identified

RAMANATHAPURAM: The Forest Department will commence joint patrolling exercises with the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) along the districts covered by the Western ghats to prevent the death of elephants by electrocution.
