In a breakthrough, researchers claim to have discovered a method to make bacteria produce diesel on demand.

Unable to cope fully with steadily climbing world oil prices since mid-2009, many of the 65 countries reviewed in this paper have progressed slowly or even reversed course in reforming pricing of petroleum products. End-user prices in July 2012 varied by two orders of magnitude across the countries.

Greener cars that use alternative fuels could help the United States slash its greenhouse gas emissions from everyday driving a full 80 per cent by 2050, according to a scientific study out today.

Greener cars that use alternative fuels could help the United States slash its greenhouse gas emissions from everyday driving a full 80 per cent by 2050, according to a scientific study out today.

That could lead to a more than 10 per cent cut in overall US pollution into the atmosphere, with consumer-driven cars and small trucks currently responsible for 17 per cent of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, said the study.

The global emergence of biofuels over the last two decades has been met with increased concerns over climate change and sustainable development. This report addresses the core issue of biofuel sustainability and related feedstocks,

Earth 100, a Gurgaon-based a firm that claims to help companies reduce their carbon footprint by using greener fuel, has launched its first fleet of "100 per cent bio-diesel cars" in Gurgaon.

Gurgaon: Earth 100, a Gurgaon-based a firm that claims to help companies reduce their carbon footprint by using greener fuel, has launched its first fleet of eco-friendly “100 per cent bio-diesel cars” in Gurgaon.

Jindal Power is a major investor in the firm, while Mahindra plays a crucial role as a technology partner. Earth 100 claims to provide fully integrated green solutions, which involves modified cars, green fuel, dispensing solution, servicing and maintenance, performance tracking and quality testing.

Corn ethanol would get a larger share of the U.S.

A new report from the Health Effects Institute (HEI), "Understanding the Health Effects of Ambient Ultrafine Particles" concludes that while there have been a growing number of laboratory and field studies of the effects of ultrafine particles (UFPs), “toxicologic studies in animals, controlled human exposure studies, and epidemiologic studies t

Electricity generated from renewables increased from 9.1% in the third quarter of 2011, to 11.7% in the third quarter of 2012, according to latest figures.
