The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India Bill, 2011 (Bill No. 54 of 2011, BRAI Bill, 2011) was proposed by Shri. Vilasrao Deshmukh, Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, in the Monsoon Session of the Lok Sabha on 27th July 2011.

Genetic engineering has failed to increase the yield of any food crop but has vastly increased the use of chemicals and the growth of “superweeds,” according to a report by 20 Indian, southeast Asi

Since its establishment in February 2003 the Uttarakhand Bio Technology Department has undertaken different works for facilitating conservation of the State’s ecology, environment and rich bio-dive

Industries Minister Dilip Barua has proposed to set up a joint investment fund for improving green energy initiative within the member countries of the D-8.

The effective use and application of ICT/ICM for AR4D and its transformation require strong support by policy makers, ICT experts, scientists and other stakeholder groups to implement proper ICM strategies in their respective institutions for better results for the investments.

Genetic engineering has failed to increase the yield of any food crop but has vastly increased the use of chemicals and the growth of "superweeds". The GMO Emperor has no clothes empowers citizens to create a GMO-free world, rich in biodiversity and healthy food.

Commercial and non-commercial plants face a variety of environmental stressors that often cannot be controlled. In this study, transgenic hybrid poplar (Populus × euramericana ‘Guariento’) harboring five effector genes (vgb, SacB, JERF36, BtCry3A and OC-I) were subjected to drought, salinity, waterlogging and insect stressors in greenhouse or laboratory conditions. Field trials were also conducted to investigate long-term effects of transgenic trees on insects and salt tolerance in the transformants.

Greenpeace activists, with assistance from chefs of Le Meridien and students of the International Institute of Hotel Management, today prepared 342.5 kg of organic baingan bharta (eggplant dish), t

New Delhi: It was a grand lunch fit to feed an army.

Eminent city scientists on Tuesday made a plea to the Prime Minister to lift the moratorium on commercial production of Bt Brinjal and called it absolutely safe for human consumption.
