The United States and China, the world's top emitters of greenhouse gases, agreed to five initiatives on Wednesday to cut carbon output from the largest sources, including heavy duty vehicles, manu

In order to meet stringent temperature targets, active removal of CO2 from the atmosphere may be required in the long run. Such negative emissions can be materialized when well-performing bioenergy systems are combined with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). Here, we develop an integrated global energy system and climate model to evaluate the role of BECCS in reaching ambitious temperature targets. We present emission, concentration and temperature pathways towards 1.5 and 2

A report prepared by Climate Analytics for CAN Europe that provides an analysis of the adequacy and feasibility of the 1.5°C long-term global limit. Scientific assessments have shown that impacts are projected to worsen significantly above a global warming of 1.5, or 2°C from pre-industrial levels.

Committee for climate change tells government current emissions cuts are too small to meet longer-term targets

Report from UNEP-Frankfurt School examines in detail how investment flows into renewables are evolving around the world, and the reasons for those changes. Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2013 is the sixth edition of the UNEP report.

This new IEA report maps out the out the current status and expectations of global climate and energy policy - what is happening and what (more) is needed?

The World Bank has released a series of publications on the importance of tackling the growing interlinkages between energy and water, as part of an initiative titled "Thirsty Energy." The brief, working paper, and initiative summary suggest that the already critical dependence of energy and water is likely to become even more acute considering

This Roadmap is an update of the 2009 IEA CCS Technology Roadmap. The energy landscape has shifted between 2009 and 2013 and new insights into the challenges and needs of CCS have been learned.

This roadmap provides a quantitative assessment of the main catalytic processes in the chemical sector and their impact on the top (i.e. largest volume) 18 chemical products. It also describes some impacts on other catalytic processes using rough estimates based on publicly available information.

The new planning approach will see changes to wind farm developments
