This briefing note focuses specifically on the treatment of adaptation in the political declaration known as the Copenhagen Accord

Aid agencies are well resourced and quick to act, but not enough of them appear to be using their power to tackle the long term problems posed by climate change. Aid agencies are first on the scene of many of the world's trouble spots, and often play a huge role in helping communities get back on their feet.

IN AN effort to reposition themselves as the leader of the developing world, the BASIC countries sought to build up pressure on the rich countries to deliver on their promise of funds. At the same time, the four advanced developing countries

A mistaken claim about glaciers raises questions about the UN

Carbon trading is going to be the key for better economic prospects especially among the developing countries blessed with forests and certainly Sri Lanka despite being a tiny island is rich in biodiversity has a key role to play.

It is well established fact that the main reason for climate change especially global warming as the greenhouse effects which warms the earth atmosphere system.

A new balance of rights and obligations has to be defined based on criteria for equitable sharing of the carbon budget of cumulative emissions to achieve the 2-degree goal, says Mukul Sanwal

DIESEL, it seems, is tired of playing second fiddle to other fuel variants, looking to trudge up the popularity charts in a cleaner avatar and with some government help.

P. Sunderarajan

All nations have to move to a low greenhouse gas emissions and energy-efficient development path
The Copenhagen meet made "limited progress" and no one was satisfied with the outcome, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Sunday, while observing that taking the path of low greenhouse gas emissions was the only alternative and India "must not lag behind" on this.

FOR people who see stopping deforestation as the quickest climate-change win, Copenhagen seemed a success. Although there is still work to be done on the initiative known as REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), the deal struck in Copenhagen made it into a real thing, not just an idea.
