The impact of climate change will impose new costs on developing country exporters, especially if markets do not work correctly and international agreements are not well designed. If the costs of carbon emissions are priced correctly, then markets could ensure that emissions are reduced in the most efficient ways.

This paper offers the first empirical assessment of the linkages between microfinance supported activities and adaptation to climate change. Specifically, the lending portfolios of the 22 leading microfinance institutions in two climate vulnerable countries

Policy responses to climate change include mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHG) that contribute to the expected changes in the earth

Ensuring that poor people can adapt to climate change
and benefit from mitigation measures such as payments for
carbon sequestration requires more than technology. Key
institutions must also be in place. This brief provides an
overview of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies,
highlighting the institutional arrangements for each

The draft discussion paper offers available information on the differential links between climate change and the health of women and men through the perspectives of direct and indirect health consequences, and the possible interaction of biological and social risk factors in determining these impacts.

This new book argues for the ecosystem-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation as a third essential pillar in national strategies to address climate change, as such strategies can offer cost-effective, sustainable solutions contributing to and complementing other national & regional adaptation strategies.

This briefing note focuses specifically on the treatment of adaptation in the political declaration known as the Copenhagen Accord

Aid agencies are well resourced and quick to act, but not enough of them appear to be using their power to tackle the long term problems posed by climate change. Aid agencies are first on the scene of many of the world's trouble spots, and often play a huge role in helping communities get back on their feet.

IN AN effort to reposition themselves as the leader of the developing world, the BASIC countries sought to build up pressure on the rich countries to deliver on their promise of funds. At the same time, the four advanced developing countries

A mistaken claim about glaciers raises questions about the UN
