This book examines the emerging environmental stresses on coastal areas of the Indian Ocean and the resulting challenges confronting coastal planners and decision makers in a warming world.

This report clearly articulates how protected areas contribute significantly to reducing impacts of climate change and what is needed for them to achieve even more. It asserts that adaptation is a mechanism to protect and maintain ecosystem integrity, buffer local climate, reduce risks and impacts from extreme events such as storms, droughts and sea-level rise.

The UNFCCC Secretariat has published an initial summary report titled

The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has released a brochure titled

The author who has been in the forefront of negotiations for climate change has given a first hand account of the negotiations at Copenhagen and what needs to be done now. He vividly brings out the thought process and the stands taken by various countries also highlighting the outcome of the accord which was reached at Copenhagen at the very last moment.

This analytical review of the disaster risk reduction scenarios in South Asia says that there is no development which is risk neutral. It either increases the risk or reduces the risk. Provides a performance audit on institutional mechanisms, policies and practices of different countries to bring out gaps and best practices.

The article traces the history of global initiatives on assessing present and projections of climate change (CC), describes the scope/status of current activities and program in hand for mitigation and adaptation in near future. It brings out the extent of adverse impacts of CC on water resources alongwith shortcomings of present investigations.

Many studies have been published to evaluate the consequences of different post-2012 emission allocation regimes on regional mitigation costs. This paper goes one step further and evaluates not only mitigation costs, but also adaptation costs and climate change damages.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and local Indian institutions in Andhra Pradesh are addressing the gender aspects of coping with climate variability and longterm change within the project Gender-sensitive Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change: Drawing on Indian Farmers

WITH India committing to reduce its carbon emissions by 20-25% by 2020, the government is considering participating in a carbon capture and storage initiative in Australia. A Cabinet note to this effect, initiated by the power ministry, is being circulated among relevant ministries.
