Blessed with gigantic oil deposits, Abu Dhabi has the world's highest per capita consumption of energy. Now, a green metropolis is being built there, eventually to become a center for regenerative forms of energy. Is this going to work? A report from the construction site.

In a world that attempts to move towards a low-carbon economy Efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change have created a new market, generating new opportunities, dubbed green jobs. According to a report by the United Nations Environment Programme, over the coming decades, millions of green jobs would be created in sectors such as energy, transport, construction,

National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency approved by the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change. This mission will help save about 5 per cent of the annual energy consumption by 2015, & nearly 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.

New Delhi: In a clear sign that the government means business with its National Action Plan on Climate Change, the urban development ministry has been asked to put strong targets and deadlines in its urban habitat mission.

Though Europe has lost its way, America and the UN could reinvigorate efforts to curb climate change. (Editorial)

Dec. 18:

Minor progress in Poland on adaptation and deforestation sets the stage for Copenhagen in 2009.

Could the United States topple Europe as the driver of international climate-change regulations? (Editorial)

VISAKHAPATNAM: Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. (RINL), the corporate entity of Vsakhapatnam Steel Plant, has adopted a new energy policy where it is committed to optimally utilise the various forms of energy to minimise impact on climate change.

India is considering allowing trading of energy efficiency certificates and giving concessions such as capital subsidies to promote solar energy, seeking to mitigate damage from the changing climate.
