Moving towards Copenhagen, governments party to the UNFCCC are preparing plans that will include forests in a global framework for addressing climate change mitigation.

Agriculture and food security are among the major casualties of climate change in India. Strategies such as adopting necessary mitigation measures and reducing greenhouse gas emissions along with widespread awareness on this issue, are needed.

Accelerating climate change poses a danger to the future health, safety, and livelihoods of people worldwide. Especially vulnerable are those who live in poverty. Rapid economic expansion in Asia and the Pacific has brought substantial benefits to the region

This study provides guidance on linkages between the design of development programs and the objectives of adapting to climate change and limiting emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Will Africa be steamrollered by climate change? The continent harbours 33 of the Least Developed Countries, is heavily reliant on agriculture and has limited economic resources to finance adaptation. Its geographic position and high sensitivity to climatic variability make it vulnerable. Large swathes of Africa

The global effort to address climate change will require action in several policy areas, and use of a multitude of policy instruments and measures. Economic and trade-related instruments will be of paramount importance in this context.

In this document, the OECD expands its analysis in two important domains: first, it focuses on the role of technological innovation in bringing down the costs of climate change mitigation over time. It argues that a concerted research and development effort can indeed be expected to yield important benefits, but not by itself.

This submission highlights ways in which the potential of agricultural mitigation in general, and from smallholder agriculture in particular, may be realized under a future global climate change agreement.

Carbon capture and sequestration through forests can play an important role in reducing India's GHG emissions, as consumption of fossil fuels is unlikely to slow down given India's reliance on coal power and other non renewable sources. Land use and forest enhancement strategy can provide a significant climate change mitigation option for India.

