It's bad news for coal exporters. Japan, one of the world's biggest coal importers, is considering a coal tax to encourage the use of cleaner fuels such as natural gas. Japanese ministry officials

Houses and roads near a coal mine can collapse without warning. A landmark decision of the US district court in Columbia has therefore prohibited coal mining companies from collapsing the surface of

The Brussels-based International Crisis Group (icg) recently indi

An estimate of the global emission of mercury from anthropogenicsources in 1995 has been prepared. Major emphasis is placed onemissions from stationary combustion sources, non-ferrous metalproduction, pig iron and steel production, cement production andwaste disposal. About three quarters of the total emission,estimated to be about 1900 tonnes, was from combustion of fuels, particularly coal combustion in China, India, and South and NorthKorea. In general, the Asian countries contribute about 56% to the global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.

Even as China reduces carbon dioxide emissions by reducing coal use, US policy encourages it

Coal mining is one of the core industries that contribute to the economic development of a country but deteriorate the environment. Being the primary source of energy coal has become essential to meet the energy demand of a country. It is excavated by both opencast and underground mining methods and affects the environment, especially water resources, by discharging huge amounts of mine water.

In the rush for economic growth, China ignored its environment. Now it faces a nightmare. The country is one of the most polluted in the world.

In this paper the authors have estimated for 1990 and 1995 the inventory of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O for India at a national and sub-regional district level. The district level estimates are important for improving the national inventories as well as for developing sound mitigation strategies at manageable smaller scales.

This unpublished CPCB report on “Mercury balance in Thermal Power Plants in Singrauli” received by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) through RTI is exclusively available here. An attempt was made in this study to investigate the fate of mercury during burning of coal in thermal plants and to prepare a mass balance of mercury.

This unpublished CPCB report on “Mercury balance in Thermal Power Plants in Singrauli” received by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) through RTI is exclusively available here. An attempt was made in this study to investigate the fate of mercury during burning of coal in thermal plants and to prepare a mass balance of mercury.
