The Union Carbide concealed information about radiation levels in a uranium plant for 20 years. Murky details are coming to light now

in spite of protests by villagers of Pulichintala, the Andhra Pradesh government has proposed to construct a Rs 675-crore dam downstream of the Nagarjuna Sagar Project near the village in Guntur

several political parties have demanded that south Haryana should be declared "drought-hit' and have asked for

The Union Carbide India Ltd. (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, which used to manufacture (among other products) the pesticide Sevin (carbaryl) gained world-wide recognition as a result of the tragic chemical disaster on the night of 2-3rd December

The Bangladesh government along with the United Nations Environ

The police firing on helpless farmers in Madhya Pradesh was one of the most grisly incidents in recent times. But the tragedy was precipitated by the apathy of the Union government

Birla Textile Mill in Himachal Pradesh is yet to pay dues to 2,300 workers. The unit was shifted from Delhi for causing pollution

Some factories in Delhi are flouting a Supreme Court order to relocate polluting factories. Meanwhile, over 50,000 workers have been rendered jobless. Most have not been compensated

The Supreme Court makes the petitioner in a public interest litigation accountable

The Supreme Court in India suspends the right of an AIDS infected person to marry
