As the climate change took its toll on the magnificent Indus delta, apart from losing natural resources – a major source of livelihood for coastal residents – acute shortage of drinking water for h

The Sri Lankan government plans to establish a new state-owned company to provide bottled water to the areas of the country where safe drinking water is scarce or not available.

China's capital is expected to exceed its historical record of water consumption this summer, local water authorities said Friday.

A consumers committee has been formed for the proposed Dikhu Deep Boring project for utilising alternative source of drinking water in Kirtipur area.

AMRAVATI: The state government is diverting scarce water resources in the drought-prone Vidarbha region to private thermal power plants.

With the water levels in reservoirs depleting fast, complaints over an acute scarcity of water are pouring in from almost all parts of Hyderabad city. Citizens say a large number of areas in the city are short of water now.

The Water Board has started pumping water from the Osmansagar reservoir. The situation will get worse if there is no rain, as reservoirs have to get the inflows by June 15.

MUMBAI: The Vidarbha region, which lost many a farmer to agrarian crisis, is now staring at a bigger demon: Drought.

A bottom-up view of the health conditions and services in six states – three performing and three not-so-well performing ones – was arrived at through a study by a multidisciplinary team with varied experiences in health research. This paper presents the results of a Public Report on Health that was initiated in 2005 to understand public health issues for people from diverse backgrounds living in different region-specific contexts.

Implementation of a recently approved water supply project of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board will cause water shortage in Thatta and render over 300,000 acres of fertile land barren, according to

Bhubaneswar: At least 65 persons have reportedly died so far due to sunstroke even as severe heat wave continues to whip the entire state, throwing normal life out of gear.
