Into the Blue: Securing a Sustainable Future for Kelp Forests global synthesis report is the most comprehensive knowledge review on kelp to date, revealing the state of science on the world’s kelp forests and providing recommended actions to build the recovery of the world’s kelp forests.

Although measurements of biodiversity-related financial risks are in their infancy, several metrics and indicators are available to assess their impacts and dependencies in the financial system, and approaches are emerging to translate biodiversity risks into financial risks.

The Nature Risk Profile: A Methodology for Profiling Nature Related Dependencies and Impacts guideline aims to enable the financial sector to measure and address nature-related risk by providing scientifically robust and actionable sustainability analytics on nature impacts and dependencies.

This report finds that of the 979 hydropower dams currently operating in the 25 cloud forest countries, more than half depend on water from cloud forests, representing billions of dollars of electricity production that take nature’s ecosystem services for granted.

This technical report investigates the benefits of planned road and rail transport infrastructure projects for society and the economy, as well as the consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. To date, impacts of infrastructure development on ecosystem services have not been widely studied on larger scales.

Humanity is embedded in nature and depends profoundly on the goods and services it generates. Future economic development and well-being hinge on healthy and resilient ecosystems that provide our food and raw materials, drinking water, clean air, and the stability of the climate system.

This compendium provides concrete examples of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) implemented in urban areas in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. 15 detailed case studies have been documented to assist governments at all levels as well as practitioners, NGOs, civil society and academics to plan, implement, replicate and scale NbS.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re : News item published on 21.11.2021 in the Indian Express titled “Lakes of Bengaluru : Industrial effluents, raw sewage; stinky tale of Chandrapura lake” dated 10/10/2022.

Land and watershed degradation in Ethiopia threaten agricultural productivity, water supplies, and livelihoods. Key challenges include inadequate financing and unsustainable conservation interventions.

People in Burigoalini and Gabura Unions frequently face climate-related hazards. Adequate adaptation measures to these hazards are often missing, causing losses and damages. This paper focuses on non-economic losses and damages: items that are not commonly traded in markets (such as the loss of biodiversity or cultural heritage).
