At a recent dinner party during the depth of gloom and turmoil in the US and European auto industries, a senior oil executive turned to his counterpart at a large car manufacturing company. The oil man suggested that it was his own industry that should be fighting for its survival, rather than the carmakers.

As if Britain needed any more bad news. Last Friday, Ofgem, the country

It is necessary to determine the role of various nations, including India, China and the other major developing countries in keeping the total atmospheric stock of greenhouse gases below 450 ppm (carbon dioxide equivalent) which, in turn, would provide a 50% probability of keeping the global temperature increase below 2

Tiruchi among 40 cities where the study was conducted

TIRUCHI: The per capita carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emission in the city has been estimated to be 0.33 tonne a year, well below the national average of 1.75 tonne, a British High Commission-sponsored study has revealed.

WITH a new United Nations climate treaty due to be agreed in Copenhagen in December, the developed world and the emerging economies are trying to bridge their differences on how to curb greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

THE United States

Not many of the 100 heads of state who met in New York on 22 September will be around in 2050

Wipro now No. 2 green electronics brand

As India moves to create its own legislation on climate change, Delhi

This document is the United States
