The world is facing an existential threat. But it is also clear that without equity, ambition is not possible. The ongoing CoP25 must not duck this question any further says Centre for Science and Environment in its new position paper "COP 25: What the world must do"

Companies from the world’s second-largest economy rank the lowest among Asia’s most developed economies on how they report their environmental impact, research by a United Kingdom-based financial markets data provider has revealed.

India, the US and China saw some of the biggest rises in greenhouse gas emissions last year due to booming energy consumption dominated by fossil fuels, putting global climate goals at risk, according to a new report.

This report provides preliminary (‘approximated’ or proxy) estimates of greenhouse (GHG) emissions for the year 2018 in the European Union (EU) and other member countries of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report shows that in 2018, EU GHG emissions decreased in 2018, with the largest emission reduction observed since 2014.