Thwarts Bid To Put Onus On Developing Nations India may have won the first round at Bali in December 2007 but the UN meeting on climate change at Bonn from June 2-13 saw the developed countries try to alter the Bali agenda. India, along with the G-77 grouping, had to fight hard in the subsidiary meeting to defend the Bali roadmap.

The Brazilian government has launched a Greenhouse Gas Proto-col Program, under which 12 major companies in the country have committed to publicly disclose their greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions.

As SPANISH hauliers and French fishermen have shouted out for all the world to hear, higher fuel prices are not popular. This is uncomfortable for those

France and Germany yesterday buried a disagreement over future European Union targets for car emissions, which had threatened a clash between the two partners just three weeks before Paris is to take over the EU's rotating presidency. Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy used a regular French-German cabinet meeting in Straubing, southern Germany, to announce the agreement on the measure - part of the EU's plan to cut CO 2 emissions by 20 per cent at least by 2020.

Japan will launch an experimental carbon trading scheme for industry this autumn, Yasuo Fukuda, prime minister, said yesterday as he announced a pledge to cut Japanese greenhouse gas emissions by 60-80 per cent by 2050. In a speech laying out Japan's position on climate change ahead of a summit of the Group of Eight leading economies next month, Mr Fukuda, the meeting's host, said the world needed to "sever its reliance on fossil fuels" and "make a decisive turn toward a low-carbon society".

An index that both climate scientists and policy makers anxiously keep track of is national emission rates of carbon dioxide, particularly for China, which has quickly been catching up with the US, hitherto the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide. Despite all eff orts to the contrary, the rates for both China and the world are rapidly going up, rather than down.

Sifting through the pile of letters from organisations announcing news conferences, my attention was drawn to one that claimed the group would be setting up a major initiative in India "to help

Saving a handful of photogenic species

White House floats new climate proposal WASHINGTON (AP)

the European Union (eu) is mulling a "controversial' greenhouse gas reduction plan, through which it will impose a carbon tax on goods imported from countries with no emission curbs under the
