The EU

When presenting its thematic strategy on air pollution three years ago, the European Commission failed to come up with proposals for specific action to reduce air pollutant emissions.

This report presents an assessment of progress of European countries towards achieving the objectives of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and their emission targets under the Kyoto Protocol.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides an opportunity for the Indian power sector to earn revenue through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG),

The European Union is in danger of losing its self-assigned role as the champion of climate change mitigation with member states increasingly worried about the economic implications of taking on far-reaching commitments.

Global warming is already making a mark on Pennsylvania

Yu Qingtai, Ambassador and Special Representative, Climate Change Talks, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China talks to Pradip Saha about developing country imperatives in climate talks in face of increasing pressure from developed countries to increase commitments On sudden EU attempt to divide developing countries during Accra meet

Investing in green technology can prove to be a big opportunity for India

Many nations have proposed targets for renewable energy production that can only be described as ambitious, given the current levels and the short time frames involved. Proposals in the United States aim to increase renewable electricity production to 15 percent by 2020, a significant amount, given that hydropower capacity is extremely unlikely to expand.

Emission standards for sponge iron industry lack teeth THE much awaited emissions standards for sponge iron plants have finally been notified. It took the environment ministry almost two and a half years. But it seems the period has taken a toll on the stringent guidelines of the draft, initially released in March 2006. While the initial draft had detailed guidelines, the notified
