Health savings of up to 25 billion euro could be achieved every year in the European Union if stronger climate policies were implemented, says a new study.

Deforestation and forest ecosystem degradation are significant causes of the global warming recorded in the past century.

Local climate change policy making in Japan started in the middle of the 1990s. The national government

The second report on Carbon Disclosure Project in India by WWF-India, CII- ITC CESD and CDP provides global and domestic investors with an analysis of how India's 200 largest companies are responding to climate change.

Considering the costs and risks of inaction, ambitious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is economically rational. However, success in abating world emissions will ultimately require a least-cost set of policy instruments that is applied as widely as possible across all emission sources (countries, sectors and greenhouse gases).

The European Union is running the largest multi-country, multi-sector greenhouse gas emission trading scheme (ETS) world-wide. This report presents the experiences from Member States on the implementation of the trading system. The report for reporting year 2008 covers both specific information on the trading year 2007 as well as some findings from the whole first trading period.

This Strategic Framework serves to guide and support the operational response of the World Bank Group (WBG) to new development challenges posed by global climate change. The WBG recognizes the very complex political process toward long-term cooperative action within the UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC). The Framework will help the WBG maintain the

Germany is one of the leading countries in Europe, as well as globally, in terms of its renewable energy and climate change policies. The multiple levels of government within the European Union (EU) mean that the German government must interact both with EU institutions (e.g., the Commission, Council, and Parliament) and subnational L

The idea that countries at the climate change negotiations in Poznan should

Getting a clear understanding of national and international
climate policy is difficult, as the numerous states which need to be taken stock of have various initial positions and interests. To untangle the knot of differentiated responsibilities, held and broken promises, and encouraging steps towards an effective
